Friday, April 20, 2007

On The Short List Of Things To Do

I made a list of what I need to do to become good at bridge

#1 Develop good habits (always count. Always make a plan. Don't be lazy. Think.)
#2 Learn what hands are really worth, ( and accurately adjust with each new piece of information as valuation is a fluid thing that changes every time anyone bids.)
#3 Learn to be a better partner. Get a better grasp on when to ask p develop your hand, and when you want to help partner set up hers.
#4 Concentrate. Maintain focus.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice Deb, good luck. It seems to me that rules 1 and 4 are the most important. Any ideas about how you are going to achieve these two? Always counting is easier said than done (as I'm sure you know).


12:56 PM  
Blogger Deborah said...

The only thing that occurs to me is to take note of when I fail to do these things, and when I notice that I'm not, start. So far, that's all I've got.

4:36 PM  

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