Sunday, August 26, 2007

Not a bridge post really

For someone who doesn't like bridge books, I'm sure reading a lot more of them. This is due in large part to commuting by bus. The truth is, I still do not read at home very much. But I read during my lunch hour and on the bus. I'm enjoying it. I'd like to think I'm learning something.

The problem is I'm not learning/retaining as much as I'd like. There's an awful lot of to take in. I'm under the impression that there are techniques you can employ to boost the efficacy of your study time. Anyone know of anything I can read on the subject?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The john. Best play for input/output

3:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would say that in order to become an expert player, you have to study the game like you'd study any worthwhile & complicated subject: by reading books by the top experts. Kantar, Klinger, Reese, Kelsey, etc.

You can't become a top player simply by playing a lot. As far as card play is concerned, the sooner you train your mind to start counting out a hand the faster you will become a good card player.

Good luck!

1:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A bridge post, really!

Now that you have been seen playing bridge again, will you write again too?

3:30 PM  
Blogger Deborah said...

As soon as I have something to say, so, I think so.

9:40 PM  
Blogger Pornhub said...

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4:56 AM  

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